Rump Slices

Tender and succulent.
300 g.

Acquista e ottieni 89 punti bombetta!
approx. 300 g

Slices of rump are thin slices of meat obtained from rump, a part of the beef that is located at the back of the animal, between the sirloin muscle and the thigh muscle. This meat is lean and very tasty, with a soft and juicy texture.

Slices of rump are often used for the preparation of dishes such as stir-fries, rolls, escalopes and roasts, due to their tenderness and speed of cooking. In addition, they can be marinated or flavoured with herbs and spices to enrich their flavour. Usually slices of rump are cut quite thinly and come in different sizes, depending on consumer preference.

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The Mannarino undertakes to deliver the products without interrupting the cold chain,
keeping the meat fresh thanks to the new SkinPack packaging.
March breed of the month.
800/900 g.
Acquista e ottieni 389 punti bombetta!
March breed of the month.
800/900 g.
Acquista e ottieni 349 punti bombetta!
Marezzata and strong taste.
800/900 g.
Acquista e ottieni 349 punti bombetta!
Marezzata and strong taste.
800/900 g.
Acquista e ottieni 389 punti bombetta!
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