1. Introduction
2. Who is the data controller?
3. What are Cookies and other similar technologies?
4. Authorisation for the use of cookies on the Site
5. Which categories of data are collected and used by the Data Controller
6. Types of cookies used on the Site
7. List of Cookies used on the Site
8. Why is this data collected?
9. How long will the data be stored?
10. Cookie Management
11. What are the data protection rights and how can they be exercised?
12. Contact details of the data controller

This Cookie Policy provides information on cookies and other similar tracking technologies (hereinafter, collectively referred to as "Cookies") used on the Company's website (hereinafter, the "Site") in order to enable you to better understand the use of Cookies while browsing and to provide your consent to do so.
The Company uses Cookies to make the Site easier to use and to better tailor both the Site and the products and services provided on it to your and/or your customer's interests and needs. Cookies may also be used to speed up and improve future experiences and activities on the Site.

2. Who is the Data Controller?
Where the terms "Company", "its/your" or "Data Controller" appear within this Cookie Policy, they are intended to refer to:
"Il Mannarino S.r.l.", a company incorporated under the laws of Italy, registered in the Register of Companies of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan with REA number MB - 2554487, C.F. / VAT No. 10747300969 and having its registered office in Monza (MB), viale Giacomo Matteotti n. 14/D, Cusano Milanino (MI), 20095, which is the owner of the processing of personal data of Users and/or Customers pursuant to this Cookie Policy.
3. What are Cookies and other similar technologies?
Cookies are small strings of text stored on your computer, hard drive, smartphone or tablet (hereafter: "Device") when you visit a website.
Cookies contain a small amount of data specific to the User and/or the Customer and allow a server to propose a personalised page on the User's and/or Customer's Device.
On the Site, the Data Controller may also use similar technologies defined as "tags" (such as "tracking pixels" or "scripts"), "HTML5 local storage", "Web beacons" or "plug-ins" as well as "software development kits" (SDKs) and fingerprint recognition techniques, i.e. technologies that enable the storage of or access to information on the User's and/or Customer's Device in order to identify the latter for the purpose of analysing their visits to a website. These technologies may also be used in conjunction with Cookies to allow the storage of information on the Device used by the User and/or the Customer to access the Website, or transmission to and from it.
In addition, by implementing Cookies, if the User and/or the Customer returns to the Website, the latter can read and recognise these technologies, which are mainly used for the operation of the Website or to improve its functioning, as well as to provide commercial and marketing information to the owner of the Website. In particular, on each subsequent visit, the cookies are sent to the website that created them (first-party cookies) or to another website that recognises them (third-party cookies).
Cookies are useful because they allow a website to recognise the User's and/or Customer's device. They serve different purposes, such as enabling efficient navigation between pages, remembering the User's and/or Customer's favourite sites and generally improving the browsing experience. They also help to ensure that the advertising content displayed online is more targeted to the User's and/or Customer's interests.
4. Authorisation for the use of cookies on the Site
In accordance with the notice on the use of Cookies in the Cookie Policy published on the homepage of the Website, by clicking on the "Accept" button in the Cookie banner and continuing to browse the Website, the User consents to the installation and use of Cookies described therein, unless the User has previously set his or her cookie preferences in the relevant section of the Cookie banner ("Cookie Preferences") or has changed his or her browser settings to disable their use. Please note, however, that disabling the cookies used by the Company may affect the User's user experience when browsing and/or using the Site.
5. What categories of data are collected and used by the Data Controller?
If the User visits the Site and uses the online booking and/or sales service, the Data Controller collects the categories of personal data described below:
Personal data automatically collected by the Site and third parties
Information relating to your visits to and use of the Site, such as the device and browser you are using, the IP address or domain names of the computers connected to the Site, the URI addresses of the requests made, the time of the request, the date and time of the visit, the duration of the visit, the referring site, and the navigation path on the Site relating to your visit and interactions on the Site, including the services and offers in which you are interested. Please note that we may associate this information with your account.
For more information on the purposes for which the Data Controller collects and uses this information, see the following paragraph.
6. Types of cookies used on the Site
6.1 Types of Cookies by Management Entity
Depending on the entity operating the Site or domain from which the Cookies are set and processed, there are the following types of Cookies:
Proprietary cookies: these are sent to the User's and/or Customer's Device from a website or domain managed by the Data Controller and from which the service requested by the User and/or Customer is provided.
Third-party cookies: these are sent to the User's and/or Customer's Device from a website or domain other than those visited and not managed by the Data Controller, but by a separate entity that processes the data obtained through the cookies.
6.2 Types of Cookies according to the duration of time for which you remain logged in:
Depending on how long the User and/or Customer remains active on their Device, there are the following types of Cookies:
Session cookies: their function is to receive and store data when the User and/or Customer accesses the Site. These cookies are not stored on the device when the browser session is terminated or when the website is closed.
Persistent Cookies: this type of Cookie remains stored on the User's and/or Customer's Device, is accessible and can be processed both after the User and/or Customer has left the Site and when they navigate within it for a certain period of time. The Cookie remains on the hard disk until it reaches its expiry date.
6.3 Types of Cookies and other similar technologies according to their purpose
Cookies and other similar technologies (collectively "Cookies") can be grouped as follows:
Technical cookies: these cookies are strictly necessary for the operation of the website, are essential for navigation and allow the use of various functions of the website. Without them, it is not possible to use the search function, nor to benefit from other services available on the Site. For this type of cookie, the Data Controller - according to current legislation - is not required to ask the User's consent, as they are strictly necessary for the normal operation of the Site.
Cookies for storing preferences (or Personalisation Cookies): these are used to facilitate navigation on the Site, as well as to remember the User's and/or Customer's choices and offer more personalised services. In some cases the Data Controller may authorise advertisers or other third parties to place Cookies on the Site in order to offer personalised content and services. If Cookies are blocked, the Company cannot ensure the operation of such services.
Analytical cookies for statistical and traffic measurement purposes: these cookies collect information on the use of the Website, the pages visited and any errors that may occur during navigation. The Company also uses these cookies to recognise the place of origin of visits to the Site. They do not collect information that personally identifies the User. All information is collected anonymously and is used to improve the operation of the Site through statistical information. These cookies therefore do not contain any personal data. In some cases, some of these Cookies are managed by third parties on behalf of the Company. However, these third parties cannot use the Cookies for purposes other than those mentioned above.
Advertising and remarketing cookies: these cookies are used to collect information so that the advertisements proposed are more interesting for the User and/or the Customer, as well as to show other advertising campaigns together with advertisements on the Site or on third party websites. These cookies are mostly "third party cookies" that are not directly managed by the Company and, due to their operation, are not accessible by the latter, which is not responsible for their management and purpose. This Privacy Policy includes more information regarding the operation of third party cookies, their purpose and use. Such information is contained in the list of Cookies available in article 7 of this Cookie Policy. For this purpose, the Company may also use the services of third parties in order to collect data and/or publish advertisements when the User and/or the Customer visit the Site. These companies often use anonymous and aggregate information (which does not include, for example, your name, address, email address or telephone number) about visits to this Site and other websites in order to serve advertisements about goods and services of interest to you and/or the Customer.
Social network cookies: these cookies allow the User and/or Customer to share the Site and click "Like" on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. They also allow interaction with the content of each platform. They also allow you to interact with the content of each individual platform. The way these Cookies work and the information they collect are governed by the privacy policy of each social platform, which can be found in the list below in paragraph 11.5.
6.4 Social media plug-ins
While browsing the Site, the User may be allowed to share via email with other users and/or publish his/her search and/or ad directly on his/her profile on the most popular social networks (e.g. Facebook, Messenger, Twitter, Instagram or WhatsApp) through the "Share" button.
To this end, so-called Social Media plug-ins are used on the Site, which, for the purpose of greater User protection, are integrated through the so-called 'double click' system, which requires a specific voluntary action by the User.
Through the integration of the aforementioned plug-ins on the Website, when the User accesses the Website, the User's browser may request content from the provider of this plug-in (i.e. the social network) and, to this end, transmit the User's personal data to it, even if the User does not have a social media account or is not currently connected to it. This information includes, but is not limited to, the User's IP address and any interaction of the User with the aforementioned Social Media plug-ins (e.g. his/her access to the corresponding page of the Site or his/her simple click on the "Share" button).
In addition, when the User interacts with the aforementioned plug-ins, the browser used by the User - by connecting directly to the server of the social network chosen by the User - may transmit information to the Company website regarding the content that the User has decided to publish or share, via the Social Media plug-ins, on the chosen social network.
For more information on the purpose and scope of the collection of data by social networks through these plug-ins, on the further processing and use of this data by Facebook, Messenger, Twitter, Instagram or WhatsApp as well as on how to change the Privacy Settings of your social account, please refer to the Privacy Policy of the respective social network, available at the following links:
FACEBOOK/MESSENGER: https://it-it.facebook.com/about/privacy/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/it/privacy
INSTAGRAM: https://help.instagram.com/519522125107875
WHATSAPP: https://www.whatsapp.com/legal?eea=0#privacy-policy

List of Cookies used on the Site
To view the list of cookies used on this website, please visit the following page
The information contained in the above list has been provided by third party partners who have created it and shared it with the Data Controller. These third party partners have their own privacy policies and/or cookie policies in which they set out their declarations as well as the disabling systems applicable. The Controller is not responsible for the content and accuracy of the privacy and/or cookie policies of third parties contained in this Cookie Policy.
8. Why is this data collected?
A. To create and maintain the contractual relationship established for the provision of the requested service at every stage and through any possible additions and amendments.
On what legal basis?
To provide the requested service

B. To comply with legal, regulatory and compliance requirements and to respond to requests from government or law enforcement agencies that are conducting an investigation.
On what legal basis?
To comply with the law

C. To carry out anonymous and aggregate statistical analysis, so that we can see how the Site and the products and services provided on it are used and verify the performance of the Company's business.
On what legal basis?
To pursue the legitimate interest of the Company (i.e. to improve the Site, its functions and the products and services offered)

D. To tailor and personalize advertisements and online marketing notifications (e.g. Web Push Notifications) based on information collected through Cookies and related to your use of the website, products and services and other sites.
On what legal basis?
Where the User and/or Customer gives their consent (i.e. via the Cookie banner or via the browser settings)

E. To allow third party advertisers to tailor and customise the advertisements and online marketing notifications to be displayed on the Site and/or on third party websites, based on the information provided by the Data Controller regarding the User's and/or Customer's use of its Site.
On what legal basis?
Where the User and/or Customer gives their consent (i.e. via the Cookie banner or via the browser settings)

9. How long will the data be stored?
We retain personal data for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes and carry out the activities described in this Cookie Policy, or as otherwise notified to you, or as long as permitted by applicable law. More information about the retention period can be found here:
Data collected through tags
Technical cookies
Conservation period
Max. 3 years
Start date
From the date of browsing the Site

Data collected through tags
Non-technical cookies
Conservation period
Max. 1 year
Start date
From the date of browsing the Site

10. Cookie Management
Please note that if your Device does not have cookies enabled, your experience on the Website may be limited, thus preventing you from browsing and using the services offered by the Company.
10.1 How do I disable/enable cookies?
There are various ways to manage cookies. By changing your browser settings, you can choose to disable cookies or to be notified before accepting them. You can also delete all installed Cookies in the Cookie folder of your browser. Please note that each browser has a different procedure for managing and configuring cookies. Below is how the main browsers handle cookies:
If you are using another browser, please consult its help menu for further information.
If you would like information on how to manage cookies on your tablet or smartphone, please refer to the relevant documentation or online help files.
10.2 How do I enable/disable third-party cookies?
Third party cookies are not installed on the Site. They are installed by our partners or third parties when you visit our Website. You are therefore advised to consult the websites of the Company's partners for further information on the management of third party cookies installed. In any case, we invite you to visit the website http://www.youronlinechoices.com/it/, where you can find useful information on the use of Cookies, as well as the measures you can take to protect your privacy on the Internet.

11. What are the data protection rights and how can they be exercised?
You can exercise the rights guaranteed by EU Regulation 679/2016 (Articles 15-22), including the rights to:
Right of access: to receive confirmation of the existence of personal data, to access the content of personal data and to obtain a copy thereof.

Right of rectification: to update, rectify and/or correct personal data.

Right to erasure/right to be forgotten and right to restriction: to request the erasure of data or the restriction of data that have been processed in breach of the law, including data whose storage is not necessary for the purposes for which the data were collected or processed; where we have disclosed personal data to the public, you also have the right to request the erasure of personal data and the taking of reasonable steps, including technical steps, to inform other data controllers who are processing personal data of your request to erase any link, copy or reproduction of such personal data.

Right to data portability: to receive in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format a copy of the personal data provided to the Data Controller for the purposes of a contract or with the User's consent and to request the transfer of such personal data to another data controller.

Right to withdraw consent: in the event that the Controller depends on the User's consent, the User will always be able to withdraw this consent, although the Controller may have other legal bases for processing the said data for other purposes.

Right to object at any time: the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data in certain circumstances (in particular, where it is not necessary to process the data in order to comply with contractual or legal requirements, or where the Company uses such data for direct marketing activities.

Right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling: You can always request that a manual decision-making process be carried out instead, express your opinion or contest decisions based solely on automated processing, including profiling, if such decisions produce legal or other similar effects.

You can exercise these rights at any time in the following ways:
by contacting the Data Controller by e-mail at info@ilmannarino.it.
Your rights in relation to personal data may be limited in certain situations. For example, if fulfilling this request would reveal the personal data of another person or if there are legal requirements or compelling legitimate reasons, the Controller may continue to process the personal data for which deletion has been requested.
You also have the right to lodge a complaint if you believe that your personal information has been handled incorrectly. You are invited to contact the Data Controller in the first instance, but you may, insofar as this right applies to you, lodge a complaint directly with the competent data protection supervisory authority.

12. Contact details of the data controller
The contact details of the Data Controller are:
"Il Mannarino S.r.l.", a company incorporated under the laws of Italy, registered in the Company Register of the Milan Chamber of Commerce under REA number MB - 2554487, C.F. / Partita IVA 10747300969 and having its registered office in viale Giacomo Matteotti , n.14/D, Cusano Milanino (MI), 20095.