With the Digital Gift Card you are sure to get a tasty and welcome surprise! It can only be used at dinner, on any opening day, in any of Il Mannarino's restaurants. The gift card is valid for one year from the day it is purchased. It must be used in a single transaction. It will be delivered by email to the address you indicate below, on the selected day (if the field is not filled in, it will be delivered immediately). Whoever receives it will look at you with bowler eyes!
Copyright 2022 - All rights reserved Il Mannarino srl P.iva 10747300969 PEC: ilmannarino@pec.it CCIAA of Milan Monza Brianza Lodi, Rea: MB-2554487 - Designed by Sinapps
Disclosure requirements for public disbursements for the years 2020 and 2021: State aid and de minimis aid received by our company are contained in the National Register of State Aid referred to in Article 52 of Law 234/2012, available at following link.